Does Breast Reduction Leave Big Scars?

does breast reduction leave big scars

Breast reduction is a type of surgery that reduces the size of your breast. It works by removing excess skin and fat from the breast. The surgeon then reshapes the breast. The procedure is sometimes referred to as mammaplasty. The patient may experience a few days of discomfort after the operation. However, most patients go home the same day.

During the first weeks of recovery, your breasts will be swollen. This is normal. Your surgeon will provide you with instructions on how to care for your new breasts. During the early healing stages, it is important to wear a supportive bra. This can help keep your chest muscles engaged and lessen the movement of your breasts.

It is recommended to not wear an underwire bra for the first few months after your breast reduction. This will keep your nipple from rising too high. If you feel pain during the recovery period, speak to your doctor. It is also recommended to avoid strenuous activity until your scars are completely healed.

As your scars heal, they will start to look pinkish. The color will fade over time as collagen breaks down. The size of the scar will be determined by the technique used. Larger incisions will leave three scars, while smaller ones will only leave one.

There are several different treatments that you can try to lessen the appearance of your scars. Your doctor will be able to recommend a treatment plan based on the type of scar you have. You can choose a topical cream or gel to apply to your scar. You can also use silicone sheets to help hydrate and prevent irritation. You can also consider using a compression bra, which will help maintain the shape of your breasts.

It is important to find a qualified plastic surgeon if you are considering getting a breast reduction. A doctor with a portfolio of work in this field will be better able to give you information on the treatment of your scars. You should ask questions about how to care for your incisions and how long it will take to recover.

Your doctor may recommend that you get laser scar removal if you want to lessen the appearance of your scars. The scars will be smaller, but it is still not an ideal result. You should not forget to protect your newly created scars from the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a broad spectrum sunscreen when you are outdoors.

It is also important to remember to use silicone sheets for several months after your surgery. This helps to keep your scars hydrated and minimizes the risk of bacterial infections. You can also massage your scar. The softened tissue will make it easier for it to heal. If you are prone to itching, you can apply an oil-based cream. You can massage the scar for five to ten minutes twice a day.

If you have a large scar, you can try steroid injections. This will soften the tissue and decrease the size of the scar. There is no guarantee that the results will be permanent, but a series of steroid injections will help to reduce the appearance of your scars.

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